HomeHajjForbidden acts of pilgrimage (MAHZURATUL HAJJ)

Forbidden acts of pilgrimage (MAHZURATUL HAJJ)





By Imam Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman

Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim

Praise be to Almighty Allah in His infinity and unalloyed blessing be upon the noble Messenger Muhammad (SAW) and his household, companions and the entire followers till the day of resurrection.

In continuation of the topic on Hajj (Muslim. holy pilgrimage to Makkah and Madinah), this episode will take on a vital issues relating to hajj operation. Since Islam places premium on each aspect of religious rites as directed towards no other person than Allah as the ultimate and the reward therefrom as secondary, perfecting the rites becomes important.

Before long, there are certain conditions that open hajj operation to validity just as they suscept an operator to values to be attached to the expedition. These include five main areas of concern viz: a. Being a solid Muslim is vital to going on pilgrimage. As one of the pillars of Islam, a conviction in the spiritual architecture of hajj becomes important before embarking on it. This berates nefarious notion of being cosmopolitan through being a pilgrim. This is against the recent situation of new converts going on hajj.

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b. Al-‘Aql (Sanity). The roles of the Government Body in charge of Hajj include but not limited to putting intending pilgrims across thorough scrutiny to ascertain his firm and on top of his consciousness before issuing his hajj visa. An insane may invariably constitute nuissance in the holy land and may likely dent the native land image out there. The rites of hajj might be personally affected.

c. Al-Bulugh (Maturity). The age of pilgrim is another vitality to hajj operation. This is not to say an infant’s hajj is not rewardable but emphasis must be place on adulthood. d. Kamalul Huriyyah (Absolute freedom from slavery and debt portends that a pilgrim must be certified to be free from all encumbrance capable of distracting his attention from perfect devotion to Allah during the journey. e. Al-Istita’u (Capability to take the voyage includes material and spiritual wherewithall.

f. Al-Mahrim (Guardianship).This indicates that a female pilgrim must not but travel with her suitor or someone who mentors her during the journey. Following Hadith teaching on this aspect, the Government Board in charge of Hajj had posited as a matter of social development that creating artificial attachment between male and female pilgrims that is capable of melting down the huddles of immigration at the point of entry into the holy land becomes instrumental where the original suitor in not in sight. To this end, it places enormous task on the Pilgrims Board.

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This being as it may, Muslim pilgrims must address self to avoiding the following acts during the hajj operation. These cut across both Umrah and real Hajj as they are capable of attracting penal the atonement of which is likely to add more burden during the operation.

These offences include a. Lubsu-l-Mahit (Wearing sown clothes). This is in a state of Ihram (Taboo) i.e a state when male assumes the position of female and vice versa in terms of garments. Two pieces of clothes are tied by male and female put on gown and a piece of trouser. b. Taghtiyyatu r Ra’as (Covering of head). This is also offensive to men’s attire. This is in contra-distinction to female whose Ihram include head cap. c. At-Tib (Use of perfume). The selectivity of this aspect bothers on healthy being of others. Perfume as capable of causing discomfort to others in the company of pilgrim who may be allergic to the odour and stenches of the perfume is ruled out.

d. Other penal attracting acts during Ihram include Halqu sh Sha’r (Removing body hairs) for whatever reason, is not allowed in the state of Ihram. The same thing goes for e. Taqlimul Azafir (Cutting finger nails) by whatever means. f. Qatlu s Sayd (Killing of Game) during Ihram is haram (forbidden). Such games as mosquitoes, flies, rodents and others in a state of Ihram attracts atonement.

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g. Al-Khitbah (Toast for Marriage) is also not allowed. This is however gender-biased in terms of originating the approach and of course, h. Aqdu n Nikah (Solemnization of Marriage) during Ihram proper runs contrary to the rules of Hajj. However, there might be no harm in setting an enabling environment for such toast and solemnization to happen soon after the rites of Hajj just as many a time some intentions such as getting a suitor may be part of the secondary intention of performing Hajj in some occasion. To rule out that outrightly may not serve the purpose on the long run.

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This leads us to the fact that going towards conjugal relation i. (Al-Jima’u) proper is not allowed. This is forbidden as an advance stage of i. Al-Mubasharah (Romance) unnecessarily is not allowed. This also calls for line of demarcation between real couples during Ihram not to talk of non-couple pilgrims. Finally, j. An-Niqab/Al-Qafzah (Veil wearing) by women pilgrims is not allowed for being among the multitude of people to
avoid suffocation and unnecessary hardship during Ihram.

Mention must be made that the heep of forbidden acts is targeted towards ultimate welfare of pilgrims. Contradicting these rules opens a victim to alternative atonement of either Hadayah (Ram sacrifice) durin the Hajj or a ten day fasting i.e three days before the completion of Hajj and the concluding seven day fasting soon after returning to country home. This is for those whose nativity is far from Arabia.

While we wish Nigerian pilgrims this year who constitute the number five (5) world-over with Ninety-seven thousand (97,000) pilgrims out Two million (2,000,000) granted visa of entry to Saudi Arabia, a very successful Hajj fare and a safe return to various homes. Meanwhile, the Saudi Authority had declared that June 15th, 2024 is expected to be the Arafat day which means that Eidul Kabir comes up on the 16th of next month.

Summarily, pilgrims must as a matter of importance adhere strictly to the rules and regulations guarding the success of both individual and collective operators. These rules cut across all types of Hajj performed such as Ifrad, Tamattu’u and Qiran. We pray a thorough fair Hajj operation for all pilgrims. And for those remaining to celebrate Eidul Kabir at home, Eidun Mubarak in advance.

Next edition would take on duties expected of those at home during the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, In Sha’a Allahu r Rahman. Hope to see you then, Eidun Mubarak in advance.

Dr. Razaq Bolawaye Uthman, Imam Ansar-Ud-Deen Society Ipaja Branch Lagos State.

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